Hey Ho Daisy, Duke and Darcy,
It's your cousin, Teddy, here! Hope all is well on the home front! Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that your rents are doing A-Okay! Guess what? They actually took me with them today on a road trip! Yup, I was a lucky dog (literally) and got to go to Abu Dhabi!
First, we went to a place called Ferrari World. They got to actually go see something, but left me IN THE CAR! Can you believe that? I barked and barked (I gave it the old college try, guys, really I did) but they left me anyway. GRRRR!
Oh, I'm supposed to tell you guys to tell Daniel "this one's for you"!!!
I was relieved when they came back to the car and off we went once again! This time we went to a place called Yas Island where the Formula One race takes place! You bet I wanted to see the track with the cars racing around! I would have chased those cars for the three of you! But nooooo, they left me AGAIN.
So they got to go see the Yas Hotel and the track and I got to sit in the car petrified -- those cars are way toooooo loud for my ears! Finally, they joined me again for another car ride....to Emirates Palace, where a really, really nice guard told them that they couldn't go inside today without a reservation! (The place was fully booked due to the holidays!) I yapped with joy and could've licked that guard all over!!
So off we went again to a place called The Grand Mosque. I could see it off in the distance and couldn't wait to go inside. Would you believe they left me in the car again? This was getting really old! Yupped, they ditched me and off they went to tour the place. GRRRRR.
Hey Triple D's, look a little closer at what happened to your Mom in that place. Weird, really weird!
FINALLY they came back to the car and we were on the road again! I was sooooo thrilled! But then they stopped at the Shangrila Hotel and had what my Mom described as "the best seafood salad I've ever eaten in my entire life!" Oh great -- I was left in a sunbeam while they went inside and ate to their hearts content. Life just isn't fair. GRRRRRR.
Once they all came back to the car I thought we would be on our way home after a loooooong day sitting around (for me at least)! But noooooooo. They had to stop at Carrefour grocery store to buy stuff for a New Year's Eve party we're going to tomorrow night. And yes, they left me again. But first we got to see this, which was pretty awesome (except for all the stuff in the foreground)........
When we FINALLY made it home I decided to do couch time and watch all of them scurry around the kitchen. Every now and again I'd get up in search of scraps, to no avail!
Oh what a day it was! It's hard to believe that we are wrapping up 2011, but that is exactly what we are doing! I'm sure looking forward to the party tonight.....what are your plans for New Year's Eve?
Whatever they are, I hope it's a good one!
Signing off for now Daisy, Duke and Darcy! Sure wish you were here!!